TotaLand News

Landman’s Balancing Act to Build Success in the Field

The landman is a master at balancing many details from oil, gas, minerals, mapping, law, and geology just to name a few, in addition to wearing numerous hats as a researcher, negotiator, manager, record keeper... the list goes on. Maintaining balance within the details of a landman’s job gives the edge to be top-notch in the field. Taking time to personally access the various areas of your job can help to determine where your strengths lie and which areas require additional work and education. For example, some landmen are experts at gathering meticulous records in the courthouse while others have the business skills to negotiate leasing.  Regularly analyzing your areas of weaknesses and strengths will put you ahead of the game. Statistics show that a 30% increase in productivity at work can represent a 100% increase in your own personal happiness, health, and welfare.

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